Copying and Burning 68HC711E9 and 'E20 Chips
Copying and Burning 68HC711E9 and E20 Chips
Using Adapt11EVBU Module and a regulated 12VDC power supply, you can easily program (i.e. "burn") the One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory in any '711E chip. This article will show you the basics.
There's a free Windows app called JBug11 that is probably the best thing for the job. Download it from, install it, and run it.
The first time you run it, you'll get a popup message like this:

Select File/New Project from the dropdown menu.
You only need to make selections in the first two tabs (ignore all the other tabs).
On the General tab:
MCU Type: 711E9 (or 711E20, if that's what you're programming)

On the COM Port tab:
Port to use: whatever your port is (COM1 or COM2)

You're done setting it up. (Click OK to save the settings)
Saving the contents of ROM to a file:
Skip this section if you are not interested in copying a chip (i.e. you already have the .s19 file you want to burn into a blank device).With your master chip plugged into the Adapt11EVBU socket, set the board's switches to SGL, BOOT and NRML. Make sure the TRACE jumper (if exists) is removed, and that jumper JB3 is positioned below the green Power LED. It is very important to ensure that the Vpp switch is still OFF (i.e. at NRML position) at this point.
Now, click the connect icon (first button on the left)
JBug11 will connect to your '711 chip, and show the contents of the bootloader in the status screen, as shown here.

For EPROM in a 711E9, you would select D000 to FFFF

Then enter a file name you want to use (.s19 is the default extension)
Click Save and wait, while JBug11 does the memory dump to file (there's a progress bar in the lower right corner)
When it has finished, you'll see Saving complete in the status window.
Now, click the Connect icon again to disconnect.
Remove power from your board
Pop your master chip out of the socket
Burning a .s19 file into OTPROM:
- Ensure the board's switches are set to SCM, BOOT and NRML.
- Make sure the TRACE jumper is removed, and that jumper JB3 is positioned below the green Power LED.
- It is very important to ensure that the Vpp switch is still OFF (i.e. at NRML position) at this point.
With power off, insert a blank chip into the socket of Adapt11EVBU.
Now, connect regulated 12VDC to J1.
In JBug11, click the Connect icon.
Click the s19 file-to-memory icon (third from the left), or use the Actions dropdown menu to select it.
You will then be prompted for the filename to load.
After you make your selection, you will be prompted to switch on the programming voltage (Vpp).
Do so, and then click OK.
Wait for the OTP to be burned (watch the progress bar in the lower right corner).
Once it has finished, be sure to switch off the Vpp before disconnecting the board's power.
Your chip is now programmed!