Collection: Adapt812DX
Product Info
Adapt812DXTM Features:
- compact AD12DX form factor (3.25 inches x 3.25 inches)
- narrow expanded mode implementation of 68HC812A4 MCU
- 128K/512K Flash provides plenty of code space for advanced applications
- 128K/512K SRAM (battery-backed) provides plenty of data space for advanced applications
- battery-backed clock/calendar chip
- RS232 interface
- RS485 interface
- on-board 5V 500 mA regulator
- 16 MHz crystal
- fully plug-in compatible with Adapt812 boards
- includes universal 6-/10-pin BDM interface connector for debugging via BDM pod
- easy s-record loading and time/date functions via embedded firmware utility (MX1Flash)
- Product Datasheet
- MCU Device User Guide
- Starter Package Manual
- MiniIDE: Free HC11/HC12 Integrated Editor and Assembler for Windows
- SynCode: Free HC11/HC12 Integrated Editor and GNU C Compiler package for Windows
- Software Examples
- University of Texas HC12 Labs and Examples
- Support Library
Be sure to visit our Support Library for the latest manuals, data sheets, app notes, and code examples
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