This module brings a USB interface to any microcontroller, via a solderless breadboard or your own wiring scheme. It provides the option to power your target board via 5V from the USB port, with fuse protection. It is also usable as a retrofit to convert an existing RS232 design to USB. Designed to retrofit Adapt11, Adapt11C24DX, and MicroCore-11 modules, as well as designs using a DB9-RA connector (e.g. MicroStamp11 Docking Module).
- provides USB-to-TTL interface function for any MCU module
- brings out TTL levels of TXD, RXD, and DTR signals
- based on FT232R chip made by FTDI
- provides +5V from USB to power target (jumper selectable)
- standard miniB USB connector
- green and yellow activity LEDs provided for RX and TX monitoring
- 500mA polyfuse protects host computer's USB port from accidental shorts
- small footprint (0.75x0.825inches; 19x21mm)
- 6-pin row on 0.1" centers connects to target via solderless breadboard or via user-wired signals
- comes with 6-pin male header; solder the header, wires, or any other style of pins required
- one row of 6 holes supports direct retrofit of Adapt11, Adapt11C24DX, and MicroCore-11 modules
- additional row of 5 holes enables retrofitting an RS232 circuit having a right-angle DB9 connector
Retrofitting an RS232 circuit having a right-angle DB9 connector:
- remove the RS232 chip from the target board
- jumper the RX and RXD pins of the MAX232 footprint together
- jumper the TX and TXD pins of the MAX232 footprint together
- connect the 5-pin row of holes along the outer edge of the USB2MCU board to the corresponding 5-pin row of holes in the DB9S-RA footprint on your board
- solder wires to the 5V and ground pads from H1 on the USB2MCU board to provide power to your target, if desired
Retrofitting an Adapt11, Adapt11C24DX, or MicroCore-11 board:
- carefully remove the RS232 chip from the target board
- carefully remove the power jack, J1
- carefully remove the serial port jack, J2
- jumper the RX and RXD pins of the SP232 footprint together (i.e. pins 7 and 10)
- jumper the TX and TXD pins of the SP232 footprint together (i.e. pins 8 and 9)
- connect the 6-pin row of holes (i.e. second row from the edge) of the USB2MCU board to the corresponding 2-pin and 4-pin row of holes on the edge of the board you are retrofitting
Your target can draw up to 500mA from a USB port on your computer; less, if it is plugged into a hub
Drivers for the FT232R USB chip used in this design are available from www.ftdichip.com
The schematic diagram for this board (Rev.2) is available here