Product Info
ESP12 modules are low-cost popular modules for adding WiFi to embedded projects to implement Iot, but the surface-mount modules are a little difficult to work with. BOBESP12 is designed to solve this problem. This product follows our trademark vertical design approach for breadboard adapters, leaving the breadboard tie-points readily accessible (when ordered with SB connector option). In addition to the ESP12 WiFi module, the board includes a 3.3V regulator, filter capacitors, and pullup resistors. It can be used in either a 5-Volt or 3.3-Volt system. The standard connector style is "SB", which has a 22-pin narrow DIP footprint. However, it can be ordered with some of our other standard connector options instead, if you prefer.
- when you select the SB connector option:
- the WiFi module plugs as easily as a DIP into your breadboard and have the same pin-numbering scheme
- pin rows are spaced 0.3" apart to plug into standard solderless breadboard
- it takes minimum real estate on breadboard
- it gives maximum access to breadboard tie-points
- perfect for students, technicians, engineers, and hobbyists
- includes FCC-approved and tested ESP12-F WiFi module, based on ESP8266
- on-board 3.3-Volt regulator circuit for use with 5-Volt systems; for 3.3-Volt systems, simply add a zero-Ohm resistor to bypass the regulator
- compact vertical design
- gold-plated 0.025" square-pin right-angle header terminations
- quality 2-layer FR-4 board
- same pin-numbering scheme as DIP package (pin numbers ascending counterclockwise from lower left corner)
- when you select M, M1, RA, or RA1 connector options, it's compatible with a ribbon cable, so you can orient the module for best reception
Select the either the RA or M1 connector option if you want to use it with EsduinoXtreme (you'll need to solder a mating HDR20-FRA connector onto your EsduinoXtreme). Note that only 20 of the pins are used for interfacing to EsduinoXtreme (pins 1 and 22 must be left unconnected, leaving the remaining 20 pins of the header interfacing to the 20-pin header on EsduinoXtreme).
For standalone breadboard use, our USB2NCT interface provides a convenient way to interface the module to the USB port of your PC.
- BOBESP12 schematic, pinout, and SB header template drawing
- connecting with FTDI cable for re-programming via ArduinoIDE (refer to ESP12 signal names, not pin numbers)
- AT instruction set
- Espressif documentation
- CloudMQTT hosting
- ThingSpeak hosting
- How to run your own secure IoT cloud server for $8 a year